Cikkek archívuma

2016.12.04 17:57

Az igazság kedvéért #2 - Mint egy furcsa magánzárka

Mint egy furcsa magánzárka     Az igazság kedvéért tudnod kell, hogy néhány évvel ezelőtt egy meghatározó felismerést kaptam   Így szólt hozzám -    "Az élet hasonló egy furcsa magánzárkához. Azt hiszed, egyedül vagy, de az az igazság, hogy össze vagy zárva a legádázabb...
2016.12.04 17:41

Az igazság kedvéért - Bevezető

  Az igazság kedvéért - Bevezető     Külön köszönet Sándornak, aki egyszer azt mondta – "Csinálj hangos könyvet, azt majd meghallgatom!"      Nem akarok hazudni, hogy őszinte legyek hozzád - volt egy tervem! Egy határozott, erős szándék, ami azt mondta nekem -...
2016.10.08 19:42

4.) Borders of emptiness

    Life and death, lies and truth, roles and the true self, questions of a long ago known, but still hiding inner answer. Just musing... without - or with? - a certain purpose... you may decide at the end. Ah, a retired has many time to ponder.    Come with me, my imagination...
2016.10.08 15:50

16.) You are here, to become YOU!

    I owe you with a confession, my dear... but, before I would talk... come with me to this magical secret garden...                           ... here we find peace, to ponder...
2016.10.08 15:48

15.) The shortest distance between two points

    May I invite you for a tranquil walk by the seaside? Come, listen to the waves' song... the seagulls' wonderful conversation... come, we may sit here, to ponder together...   Have you ever thought of the phrase's deep truth - "The shortest distance between two points is a...
2016.10.08 15:46

14.) Get burned on the stake?

    "The martyrs' sole gain, that they get burned on the stake!"   How? I explain... just come with me...   Decisions and choices... uncountable crossroads where our life's success or failure, happiness or torment, moreover - our bare survival gets determined... decisions...
2016.10.08 15:43

13.) Not against flesh and blood!

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians Chapter 6     Are you stumbling here, my dear, among suffering and pain,...
2016.10.08 15:41

12.) "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." - James 4:7

    ... and the journey continues... endlessly... come with me...   ... the first step is - Forgetting! Forgetting of our true nature, our true Home. Forgetting of the truth. Yes, forgetting is our material Earthly journey's most important preparation, the illusion's necessary...
2016.10.08 15:39

11.) Look up, my dear, to the sky!

  I'm here again, ready to start. You lead! Yes, during the past one and a half year I already learned, that you lead me... you lead me to the inner places, where your unhealed scars are bleeding. You lead me with silent signs, and the task is mine... to utter those torments, which already...
2016.10.08 15:38

10.) We sail together... again and again...

Yes, my dear, we are on board again...   ...the journey never ends.   Homesickness chases the boatmen, unknown desires wake when a familiar calling arrives with salty breeze. Watch, as the sails swell when a fragrant wind whispers eternal truths into your ears, and the endless, taciturn...

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