Forgiveness... yes, God's most important, blessed virtue.
Can you forgive me?
Ah, alas! - no need for words!
Oh, dear, I see your sorrowful, frozen heart.
Hard like a stone, extinct like a rock.
I see you, standing in the middle of your icy land and there is a big, heavy package in your hands.
Yes, you hold it tight, although the weight destroys your heart, you never want to get rid off it. You insist.
Yes, your hate, anger, wrath, vanity, your injured pride are in that terrible luggage.
You keep them close, never to forget the grievances, what your ego had to suffer. Never to lose the resentment, always remember the moments of pain.
Yes, you guard the hurts, think them over again and again.
Never let yourself to forget, never let your poor heart to relieve.
The pain became your ego's treasure and you are the treasury's keeper.
Maybe, somewhere, in the depth of your icy heart, there sounds a thin, timid voice - "Try to forgive them!" - it says - "Try to forgive!"
"To forgive?" - you howl loudly - "To forgive? Never!"
"Nobody deserves my forgiveness. Nobody deserves!" - you shout severely.
Then open the weighty luggage and begin taking to inventory your harms again.
Not a single scar can be lost!
Nobody deserves grace, especially that one, who dared to apologize.
Yes, asking for pardon is the sin's admissoin in your eyes.
To apologise - is equal to undertaking of the sin itself.
Oh, no!
Only penalty, a hard punishment is the suitable reaction!
And you, my sad dear, you are punishing the whole world.
Everyone, who made a mistake against you, everyone, who dared to use a wrong word, who dared to tell a misunderstandable idea, who looked askance at you - everybody is dropped to the trash, for ever.
No second chance!
You are the judge, you are the jailer, the executioner.
No mercy!
Your heart is tough, and lonely - your affronted ego chases away the human beings, who once dared to make a fault in their relationship with you.
Your hate becomes your best friend... and you feed it tirelessly.
Oh, my sad dear, what are you doing?
Where are your endless anger's target objects?
Oh, yes.
They left you long ago.
After begging your pardon, but getting just anger - they created their own distressful opinion about you, and forgot the incident.
Yes, dear, after they asked your forgiveness in vain, they stepped further.
They did all, what a human being can do at this situation!
There is no more possibility, a human being can not give more, but the sincere words of apology... and yet even you want more, more, than the possible most.
Your ego forces you to carry the burdens on and on... you break under the weight... whilst the outside world laughs with easy heart on your punitive effort.
No one else, but only you suffer because of the unforgotten harms, your lugged and guarded pain.
No one else will cry when your closed, frozen heart chases away everybody's love and turns to stone forever.
Forgive, dear!
Forgiveness is not a gift for the undeserving people.
Forgiveness doesn't depend on other people.
Forgiveness is the soul's skill to survive the problems of confrontations.
Forgiveness is your soul's life buoy, the best helper to put down the burdens, to get liberated yourself again.
Your forgiveness is not a gift for worthless people - your forgiveness is a gift for your own soul!
Unburdens and sets you free.
When you forgive - it is not a gesture for the sake of other persons, no, you forgive for the sake of your own soul, heart, physical health.
Forgiveness is the most godlike virtue and you are blessed, dear, you have the right to practise this godlike forgiveness in your own life.
Most of us assume that if we forgive our offenders, they are let off the hook — scot-free — and get to go about their merry ways while we unfairly suffer from their actions.
We also may think that we have to be friendly with them again, or go back to the old relationship.
While God commands us to forgive others, he never told us to keep trusting those who violated our trust or even to like being around those who hurt us.
The first step to understanding forgiveness is learning what it is and isn't. The next step is giving yourself permission to forgive and forget, letting go of the bitterness while remembering very clearly your rights to healthy boundaries.