Are You sad, dear?

2015.11.12 23:13

Oh dear, you are sad, i see.
Dark feelings torture your mind and your soul. Shame, uselessness, remorse, worthlessness. Your self esteem fades behind the world's loud judgment.
Yes, it seems, that the whole world knows, exactly knows, to what kind of person you should have to become.
Opinions, prejudices, criticism, requirements - bullets of the mindless viciousness hiss next to your ears, and the shots hit you from time to time... and you sink to deeper and deeper.
You believe the commanding sounds and don't dare to misdoubt.
Oh dear, listen, inside your wounded heart there cries a weak voice, which whispers the truth.
Just watch bravely and see, that the outside world doesn't interested in your true self, in your real capabilities, in your inner brightness.
The outside world observes you jealously and build a cage of barriers to trap your clear soul.
When you are weak, hungry for the lost, unconditional love, when you want to fit others expectations by any means - you become the mostly vulnerable at this time!
And humans are much more dangerous, than wild animals!
Your soul's bleeding wounds draw newer and newer predators until you lose your true self completely, although you know, surely know, that you are not a white page.
You are a whole, ready made, miraculous codex and your initial letters are the most beautiful paintings of your inner realm.
Are you unsteady and confused?
Don't be, my dear.
The teaching is true. All human beings are mirrors of ours.
But these mirrors are not alike, there are big differences.
Just watch!
Do you see that gently polished sparkling crystal mirror?
Love and kindness bright on its smooth surface. Looking in it, your true face will be seen.
Ah, now look, watch that wrack!
Broken, dim, dark stained pieces of glass. Anger and hate ruined the silvering. Searching your own self a malformed monster looks back from them.
Watch, there is a black pane of glass.
The tears of its inner sorrow already have blinded this mirror. Fear and suffering darkens its lost light. Looking into its eye you can see pain and sadness. Only pain and sadness, as if they were yours.
So dear, be cautious while looking into the human mirrors. The most of them are blinded by their own dramas.
They don't see you, they don't care you, they don't love you, they just reflect their inner pain, and project their miserable picture onto you.
But, please, dear, don't be sad.
You have a perfect compass, which leads you to the clear, unbiased mirrors. Your heart, my dear, your emotional compass warns you, when humans are poisonous, and you have the right to defend your magical true self against them when your emotions protest!
You have the right to ignore the blind mirrors' mindless judgment!
You have the right of self-trust and self-confidence, to become to your own true self!
Moreover, born into this Earthly life, it is your only, single task.

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