You were echoing within me ... Your echoes' reflections
You were echoing within me ... Your echoes' reflections
2017.01.23 14:44
... whilst
unexplainably missed you,
my life-time elapsed alone,
merely dim solitude drew
your familiar, strange, unknown,
imagined face, a hazy
lack wrote my every chapter,
emotions' misty aurae
promised a new encounter,
uncertain certitude led
on my spirit's untainted
path, your dim existence flashed
through many times re-painted
realities' old canvas,
your quiet tune echoed in
my third eye's purple sadness,
silence became my best kin
in an almost forgotten vision,
like unappeasable hunger
of faceless consummation,
in a one-person slumber
of my incomplete self,
déjà vu, that carried your signs,
phantom of our lost ourselves
between feeling's queer confines;
... whilst
unexplainably missed you,
my life-time elapsed alone,
just my surviving hope knew
that your dreamt image is true.
About Me
Private open letters ...
Here you can send message - itt küldhetsz üzenetet!
...space-time corridors...
Inner space - my spiritual flight
Az igazság kedvéért ... hangos könyv
Versek - ahogy elkezdődött
Versek - és ahogy folytatódik
Poems, received in English - Angolul érkezett versek
In collaboration with Deepak Sawhney - Deepak Sawhney együttműködésével
Fordítások - Translations
Fordítások - Traduzioni di poesie
Novellák - Önéletrajz
Novellák - Hegyimenet
Belső tér
Irások - Mindenféle
Rajzok, vízfestmények - Paintings and Drawings
Saját készítésű ajándékok
Videók - Videos
Your echoes' reflections
As if I would have known you
since the ancient beginning,
deep inside I feel the truth,
a voice whispers your calling,
past lives' translucent pictures
infiltrate my illusion,
your faraway shape flickers
with familiar vibration,
like a God given rare gift
only once in a lifetime,
chance of elusive uplift
within existence sublime,
one lost and found dear being
on seven billion human's land,
help me to guard this feeling,
let me take hold of your hand.
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