Watch and see! ... twice ...

2015.09.30 15:36
Step three
But don't be sad!
You have a choice.
You can decide to stop doing this suicidal feeding. You can not change the outside world directly,  face to face, but you can change your energy's route.
The first, most important step, to put your television to the trash.
The global mass communication gives you ready-made opinions, judgments, decisions. The magnified local dramas suggest danger. The underhand advertisements plant disaffection into your soul... and your precious energy helps to create the global anxiety.
Stop it!
Ascribe less and less significance to the matrix and the matrix will ascribe
less and less significance to you.
Also stop to feed the other "outside circumstances" - change the focus of your attention, and even weather extremes will become to handleable, events tame down, no more unexpected shocks, till finally stay only you surrounded by the silent Nature.
Let me explain by my personal examples.
I live in a village, in distance of 15 km - 9 miles - to the nearest town. Since more than a decade I ride there by my bicycle, to my workplace, day by day... and this bicycle road ensured my needed suffering for long years.
The mornings became into nightmares... as my start's time neared, the rain necessarily began to fall.
I fell asleep and then woke up by a permanent fear of weather. I cried and cursed during my one hour trip, and the weather was cruel without compassion... till the day, when a summer thunder storm stopped me on the open air, the warm shower was pouring on me while miraculous lightnings were drawn on the deep gray stormy clouds of the skies.
Standing there alone, mesmerised by Nature's power, I got a recognition.
This power is mine! I am a part of Gaia and Gaia is a part of me!.. and I found my peace in Nature.
My attitude changed, my habit altered and also changed the weather of my own reality. If I wake up by the falling rain today, I hope, know, believe that it will stop by the time I start... and it usually works. The sun appears and the watery ground's fragrance leads on me.
Other story, on an other spot.
For long decades I sacrificed my own reality to live in a role, called "victim". I received all the grievances happily. I had a favourite game - may call it "never and no way". After making a decision, I began to inhibit the realization immediately, and my intent never became to successful, of course. I operated my life by this way - and failure was guaranteed, from the smallest action to the biggest event.
After changing my attitude, the material reality changed too. Now I'm prepared for success, from the smallest action to the biggest event.
This is just one example of the way it works:
I'm going to buy some goods, have an exact intent, but my plan's realization seems to be failed... by the first sight. The needed goods are missing, just an empty place I see on the shelf.
I stand for a moment by a deep breath and slowly begin the search again... and I find. Maybe it is on a farer point of the shelf, sometimes it is in front of my eyes.
At first I wondered, how is it possible that I could not see earlier?!
Now I don't wonder, just smile.
It had to appear - necessarily!
So, that's the way as miracles happen!
Maybe others will envy and call your result simply "good luck", but you know the secret.
This is the power of your self-redemption.

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