2015.06.20 21:53
Eva Pálházi
The Truth Liberates
Look at me sweet Dad, from Heaven, I truly
retain the inherited pictures of hell,
exodus in twentieth century,
over the human barbarity's border
Jacob's sons travel straight ahead to death,
paralyzed by the collective fury,
upon those unconcerned railroad tracks
to Elysian Fields, where "Arbeit macht frei"* till
the last cold breath of naked showers' gas,
where tattooed numbers of defencelessness
burn despair's signs into survivors' skin,
where the shattered spirits' injuries never
can't be healed, not even by Jahve, or Christ's
bloody tears, while the smoky nightmares hang
around in all everyday-life minutes,
and the crematory chimneys' shade wrap
the happiness' lost possibility.
So, You see my sweet Dad, our World can
hardly learn from its own history,
but I retain and tell my inherited
pictures of hell, and hope, that my voice shall
not fall into the silence's deep and deaf well.