Tell me, dear ...

2015.12.09 22:00
Tell me, dear, have you ever bethought of the humans' verbal communication?
How strongly we can curse each others in the darkest moments of our lives?!
Our killer words are started by a huge energy on their way, towards our fellow-creatures.
We feel, by an unswerving faith, that all our words have creating power.
The quote - 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness' Genesis 1:26 - here gets an everyday meaning.
Yes, dear, you are a little wizard, born into the material existence.
Gods' magical partner in the world's creation.
But soon after you have arrived, you face the negative influences. The adults break of your habit on daydreaming in your early childhood, whittle in your fantasy, humiliate you because of your emotions.
Your parents and the school teachers do everything to make you to forget the natural faith in your magical self.
At last you reach the adulthood, when your conviction in the spoken dreams' creating realization, seems to be a simple symptom of madness, which needs medical treatment.
A few strong child, brought up by supporting families, may become to artist. They may show their spoken, painted, composed emotions' uplifting magic and can confront you with the inner creator power of yours.
Or, they would confront you, if you would let them.
Because a huge bravery is needed to undertake your own creating power in this material life.
And you, as many of us, fall, during your childhood's years.
Throw your miraculous capabilities away, close your emotions under seven lock and key, by the brainwashing impact.
Never more, you don't dare to speak of your true self, and the tiny, wizard inner child of your magical real self is painfully lost within your compulsory silence. You become disillusioned, faithless and irresponsible at the same time.
Why should you take the responsibility on your spoken words?
Why, when nobody hears them?
You don't believe, already you have forgot your words almighty creator power... and from this time your creator power works for the negativity.
This Negativity - you may call it Evil or Satan, ego or simple human unconsciousness - uses your mouth, your voice and makes you to tell the curses to everyone and everything, but its main target will be your hidden magical inner child.
Your crying, tongue-tied, miraculous inner child.
Don't forget, dear, that you are God's wonderful creature, whose uttered words carry the Father's creator power and the evil will be able to get it from you just when you give it voluntarily. When you revile your own unsaid emotions, repudiate your own, oppressed, unsaid thoughts.
Believe in yourself, you are not the ego's unconscious megaphone!
Speak, speak about your own thoughts, tell your own joys, own pains, your own emotions.
Speak, dear, just the utterance can help!
Just your spoken words can help to get rid of the heritated family secrets, to get rid of the shame, self reproach, to get rid of the remorse's burdens and to liberate yourself and to liberate your inner, magical child.
Be brave to stay being a child, collaborate with your inner, tiny wizard and - you see! - life becomes to a miracle!


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