Spoken reality

2015.10.20 13:49
On a sad november morning of the last year i woke up with a complete English poem in my head.
I was surprised!
I learnt English at secondary school, almost 45 years ago. My pale knowledge was hidden deep in my forgotten memories. Nothing could explain the received English words, writings and living speech.
I'm lucky, long since i have no stereotypes in my mind. I didn't search 'stigmas' to condemn my mental state, i didn't search the causes or outcomes, i just enjoyed this Gift of God! 
In november of 2014, after eight years of yoga and meditation, i was ready to change my spiritual existence and God have sent me His 'welcome present'.

When in the early childhood your mother tongue is 'installed' into your mind, it strongly defines the way of thinking. 
Maybe, you were born into a lower vibration, where the given conditions possess of a weaker consciousness. The spoken language, which becomes your mother tongue, teaches you to write the words by their pronunciation. The written words become to spoken words easily. You just read them from letter to letter. It doesn't need more work of your mind. You are standing stably in the material reality and your abilities are limited by this level's needs. Your virtual thinking is not trained for taking a glance at higher spiritual realities. You are taught to accept the material things' truth, to believe to your eyes... nothing else, nothing more, but your eyes.

Maybe you have arrived into a higher vibration of consciousness where the spoken language is a part of this spiritual advancement. A phonetic language places more emphasis on speech-sounds than punctuation marks. Using it you learn to convert automatically the basical written letters/words into the spoken words' higher reality. Whilst speaking, reading, writing a phonetic language, you are continuously 
translating... translating the seen reality to an imagined one. A phonetic language teaches you, that all things mean something else, something, more than its surface, and you have to search a hidden meaning behind the seen things, to reach your goal. Using a phonetic language, you learn the ability of constant searching. You learn to shift between material and virtual reality. This is the virtual thinking's paradise... and this is your first step to your own paradise too. Just virtual thinking can give you the possibility of discovering your inner realm's miraculous pictures, your higher spiritual realities.

Your spirit's state of development decides about your birthplace. You arrive amongst the perfect circumstances, into the perfect material vision, which is needed for your life lesson... and you are working, learning, collecting the experiences and edifications and once... once, drifting on your hard spiritual journey's road, your spirit breaks out and begins to fly ... you overgrow the given lower possibilities and become matured enough to receive higher values ... and a new spoken language may arrive in betweens.

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