My bird flies to you *** Mon oiseau vole à vous
My bird flies to you *** Mon oiseau vole à vous
2016.07.31 19:57
L'âme pure vole librement,
comme un oiselet glamour,
pas de temps, pas de distance,
mon amour,
notre existence
se dissout dans vérité finalement. *
I send a bird to you,
look, as my albatross
drifts across oceans' blue
distance, sleeps on sea-moss
covered timeless shipwrecks,
bathes her feathers on light
ripples under old decks,
sun rays guide her long flight
through blue heights, until she
arrives in fragrant whiff,
look, as she nears your sea
shore's water washed, white cliffs,
capture this airy mood
before she would escape!
hold gently, as if you'd
embrace my fragile shape,
hug with defender arms,
listen to her whisper,
my soul conveys the charm
of our common secrets,
my heartbeat throbs under
feathers' white blanket, my
frail emotions' amber
is shining in bird-eye,
to forever remind,
that souls always unite,
through separated lives
search for familiar signs,
find each others' echos
in time's confused pattern,
remember in life-flow
to guard your found lantern,
remember, this bird is
my soul's precious gift,
deja vu, toned light pink,
never forget to think
of your faraway blonde,
when an albatross flies
over your head, beyond
the sublime, ancient skies.
About Me
Private open letters ...
Here you can send message - itt küldhetsz üzenetet!
...space-time corridors...
Inner space - my spiritual flight
Az igazság kedvéért ... hangos könyv
Versek - ahogy elkezdődött
Versek - és ahogy folytatódik
Poems, received in English - Angolul érkezett versek
In collaboration with Deepak Sawhney - Deepak Sawhney együttműködésével
Fordítások - Translations
Fordítások - Traduzioni di poesie
Novellák - Önéletrajz
Novellák - Hegyimenet
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Irások - Mindenféle
Rajzok, vízfestmények - Paintings and Drawings
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Videók - Videos
* My bird flies to you
The pure soul flies free,
as a glamorous birdie,
no time, no distance,
my love,
our existence
dissolves in truth finally.
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