Meditation... is the spirit's greatest experience while working in this material vision, grounded by this avatar - called human body.
An uplifting recognition in regard of rules and values of material life.
Meditation... is the key of your soul's door, which leads you Home, to the only true spiritual reality. To that higher level of existence, where your spirit is creating this everyday material vision - or Maja, as Buddhism says.
A grandiose adventure!
And you can be sure, after starting the journey, irreversible changes will arrive, and you'll never be the same human being who you were before.
Meditation teaches how to let to receive and to pass your life lesson's parts. To stay without thoughts, in inner silence, and observe yourself by empty mind, from an outside viewpoint. To see and watch your ego's potential failures and to prevent them.
Meditation makes you free from your ego's endless "clucking".
Yes, you rightly see!
Meditation's main purpose is to keep your ego's "slimming cure", and to stay it in silence.
And be sure, your ego will not tolerate your first attempts. Like a surfer of the ocean, after beginning your regular meditation, you'll be tossed up and down by your emotions' waves, from your ego's deepest darkness to your spirit's brightest light.
But the waves become more and more tender, and after the first weeks, your life settles at last.
Your emotions become clear. Lose the strangler feelings, which kept your soul in darkness. Anger, revenge, hate, jealousy - all disappear, and also the main culprit - the fear!
As your calm inner peace becomes stronger and stronger, you realise, that life is not about the shopping, or television series, or the fight against your family your neighbourhood or your life mate.
Moreover, you'll realise, that life is not carved in stone, not an existing, unchangeable novel!
The first time, when you awake to your emotions' powerful creating strength - that day is your new birthday!
This is your lesson, no more, just to create and to live your own reality;
to discover your rich, beautiful, precious inner realm;
to lean on your inner stability and switch off the ouside world's opinions, judgments, prejudices;
to trust yourself, to find your real, yet sleeping, splendid personality, to believe in yourself. You are the magical child of God who doesn't depend on the outside world's "honourable mentions" or "ratification";
to find your borders, the lines, where you have to stop, where you have no more opportunity, and to receive wisely these experiences. To realise, when your creator willpower loses its viability, when you would have stepped onto an other human being's foreign land. To stop by respect and to let others to live their own lives by their own decisions - yet, if it would not be easy to passively watch the evolving drama... and be sure, sometimes you do the most, when you do nothing.
and at last, but not at least, to honor the magical spiritual creation, who you really are!
So, start, right now!
Lie down leisurely, watch and relax your muscles... keep your mind in silence... let your thoughts to come and go... your breathing leads you to the inner peace... just watch your calm body, just feel the stillness of your heartbeat... your spirit is healing now, you arrived Home!