'Father, forgive them for they know not ... '

2016.07.10 17:50
Come with me, dear, take my hand.
A miraculous journey begins now.
I'll take you to a time travel.
Oh, no.
No need for your package.
Just put your ego to that biggest suitcase, lock the zipper and leave it here.
During this journey no need for prejudices, pride, anger, vindictiveness, shame or self-reproach, remorse or self-loathing. They just pull you down and tie together with the pain.
Let me see!
Are all your pockets empty?
Please, dear, dont smuggle not even a tiny piece of suffering with you.
Only your blessed heart's clean trust may come with us!
Are you ready?
Is your soul bared, like a newborn child?
So, take off!
Let's fly!
Relax, you're in safe, I take care of you.
Don't think, just hold on and watch the land below.
Magical image, as your life events pass by backwards, your sorrowful, rigorous adult being becomes more and more trusting and hopeful.
How beautifully your lost faith lights up from under the years' fossilized thick dust.
Your childhood is approaching.
Get ready!
We'll land immediately.
It's time for amazement!
You don't believe your eyes... yes, you are this wonderful newborn baby.
You are this delightful gift of God.
An angel who arrived here in body, to learn this material vision's sensual lessons. God's miraculous creature, His brave volunteer, you are, with clear love in your sacred heart.
Come closer, dear, strech your arms.
Lift up your vulnerable newborn self into a safe embrace.
This wonderful child is the beginning of your life.
Hug this tiny body with tender care and never leave again. Now you cradle all your blessed hopes and heavenly dreams.
See this shining, angelic face.
Feel this faithful, silent heartbeat.
You are this wise little baby, carrying God's messages within your heart.
Yes, your own, newborn self knows the tasks and vocation, the true desires and predestination of your whole life. God wrote the signs in your heart before the start. Celestial signs, your sparkling guiding stars.
Hold tight your tiny Inner Child.
The road will become jolting!
Look, as you grow, your inner light shines more and more brightly. Yet you are not aware of wrong and right - you are simply shine like angels used to.
Blessed toddler.
Your parents and your adult relatives recognise the heavenly signs in your eyes.
And the adults of your surroundings react differently...
Yes, dear, this is the time, when your struggles begin.
The uncomprehending adult world watches your godlike abilities with envy and fear.
Though they try to deny, but the evil commands them by relentless hands.
You are clear, naive, vulnerable and need supporting care. You think, that parents must be selfless and helpful. Oh, how you desire for their love.
But... to become parent - it doesn't always equal to responsible decisions.
And the first cuts arrive in your early childhood.
Though your honest trust tries to resist, but you become to prey of evil.
Please, be brave, dear, and face your deepest dark past!
Maybe a foster-home... maybe a spiteful teacher... maybe a terrible school-fellow... maybe a harassed family... maybe an alcoholic father... maybe a wicked mother... and maybe the most tragic nightmare - a lustful adult kin... and the evil becomes your everyday accompanist.
Childhood abuse, physical and psychical maltreatment, sexual misuse... yes, dear, heavy burdens are put on your thin shoulders.
Let's stop for a minute.
Be brave, watch and observe sorely your sufferer child-self.
This weak, little human being has no power for self-defence.
Those adults cause the pains whose task would have been to defend her/him. Whose duty would have been to defend you!
Don't blame yourself!
When a little child is attacked by a twice bigger and hundredfold stronger adult - the fight ends, before it would start. Your vulnerable, innocent child-self has no opportunity.
Stop guarding the victims' shame.
You are innocent!
What has happened is not your fault.
What has happened is the adult aggressor's sin.
Yes, I see, the oppressor attacker shifts the responsibility on you.
Don't believe the liar!
You are even a child, who is not able to make adult decisions.
You are not responsible for the adult attacker's acts!
Please, forgive to yourself.
You are not guilty.
Your child-self has no other choice!
Watch, how this brave, young creature can bear the torturing events, how she/he cries through the nights, what an agonizing pain storms in this young heart.
Do you feel the vivifying sympathy?
Do you feel, as love fills your heart?
Be proud of yourself!
You have survived!
Hug your crying Inner Child.
Tell, that you love and defend her/him.
Tell, that you understand this helpless, scared little being.
Tell, that you let her/him to be angry.
Yes, dear, your anger is understandable and rightful!
No more lies.
You don't have to defend the aggressive attacker. Even if it is a considerable adult, even if it is your own parent!
Nothing authorizes a parent, nothing empowers an adult to maltreat a weak, innocent child!
Just hold in your strong arms your beautiful Inner Child.
Give yourself time to calm down, to rise beyond the past.
The truth unfolds at your new viewpoint. Your long ago hidden, own, inner truth.
And you soar among the clouds with light soul.
A renewed, easy breath fills your lungs.
Yes, dear, the child already stopped crying and you arrived to your true self.
Blessed encounter.
Are you well?
I see, you smile with unburdened heart.
Now take a deep breath and look back for the last time.
Yes, already your eyes are opened... and you see a yet unknown truth wonderingly.
As if the frightening masks would fall down by an overwhelming revelation... the truth overshines your heart.... suddenly you recognise the immeasurable pain, which has blinded your erstwhile torturers.
Just now you understand - they also were the evil's victims.
Victims, who were weak to change.
The pain steered their wretch hearts and didn't let them to get a redeeming chance.
Yes, once your aggressors were suffering victims. Coward victims, who didn't dare to face the past. Who chose the easier way and became to abuser oppressors.
Suddenly, you feel sorrowful pity.
Is this the truth?
These miserable zombies broke your Inner Child?!
There is nothing else, but compassion and forgiveness in your heart.
Forgive them, dear, forgive, for they didn't know what they have done...
And now, come with me, we fly back to the present moment.
Oh, no!
Don't unpack your ego's suitcase.
Just be brave, and begin a new life - a new life, where the past has lost its power, the sky is blue and bright, and your sorrow has become a fading memory at last.


Meeting your Inner Child
In popular psychology and analytical psychology, inner child is our childlike aspect.
It includes all that we learned and experienced as children, before puberty.
The inner child denotes a semi-independent entity subordinate to the waking conscious mind.
The term has manifold therapeutic applications in counseling and holistic health settings primarily.
The first comprehensive method of reparenting the Inner Child in therapy was originated by Art Therapist, Dr. Lucia Capacchione, in 1976 and documented in her book, Recovery of Your Inner Child (1991).

Using art therapy and journaling techniques, her method includes a Nurturing Parent and Protective Parent within (Inner Family Work) to care for ones physical, emotional, creative and spiritual needs (her definition of the Inner Child).

It also acknowledges a Critical Parent Within and provides tools for managing it.
John Bradshaw, a U.S. educator, pop psychology and self-help movement leader, famously used "inner child" to point to unresolved childhood experiences and the lingering dysfunctional effects of childhood dysfunction.

In this way "inner child" refers to all of the sum of mental-emotional memories stored in the sub-conscious from conception thru pre-puberty.
The Twelve-step program recovery movement considers healing the inner child to be one of the essential stages in recovery from addiction, abuse, trauma, or post-traumatic stress disorder[citation needed].

 In the 1970s, the inner child concept emerged alongside the clinical concept of codependency (first called Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome.).
These topics remain very active today.
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