2015.11.22 02:56
Listen dear, do you hear? the waves are singing,
when the lake shows its strength, I sit on the bank,
sparkling gems of water splash wet my chill feet,
strange feeling, by these drops, once, Dinos were fed,
once, they rolled with Amazon river, see dear,
these cold, molten drops flowed along the slant
Himalaya crags, yes, they were pearls of tears,
once, you have cried, onto my thirsty heart;
watch my dear, do you feel the winds' pastoral
concert? restless air, crumples, smoothens the dumb
deserts' sand dunes, clings to my hair, nurtures
our slow-burning lives, near, far, from dawning time,
to termination of space, unseen whisper,
your exhaled breath fills up my easy lungs;
from East to West, as Sun-rays burn the planet,
your morning wish reaches me by the noon,
night prayers meet, somewhere, in dreams, under the same Moon,
where our parted souls merge, blessed by eternal Oneness.
<-- video version