
2015.09.30 15:26
Step two
To create your own reality, by your own emotions - this is your heaven and hell through your spirit's material, Earthly experience.
Although you don't know about it, but your own Maya's creation happens continuously. Your ethereal emotions' almighty energy thicken into thoughts, your thoughts come over into the material reality by your spoken words. Your spirit's all shivers turn to emotions, all your emotions turn to thoughts, and almost all your thoughts turn to spoken words.
And now, tell me dear, do you really know, what are you creating?
Are your emotions working under the direction of yours?
Do you control your thoughts?
Are you sure, that your mouth is disciplined enough not to tell useless words?
The unconscious being's precious energy overflows without control, without the spirit's collaboration. And the ego takes over the power immediately. Its pocket is full of ready made dramatic scenarios. The assortment is fairly poor. The roles are written for a few "main characters".
Hate, Anger, Jealousy, Revenge, Fear are in the cast.
The stage is fitted up, the drama may begin!
Pain, suffering, misery, scars, lost souls, broken life lessons, wasted lifetimes, death, paralysed, miserable human bodies testify the ego drama's way.
The tragical events' avalanche is rolling faster and faster while God's magical child just shrugs helplessly and points to the outside world.
And the sinner is someone else, always, someone else!
The inimical circumstances, the cruel fate, the mishaps, the accidental blows or, perhaps, the neighbour's dog!
The main nub is the own responsibility's avoidance.
Oh, my God in Heaven, do you hear the cluck of this poultry-yard?!
How much harm, in turn the solution is close, near the closed blind eyes, the closed dead hearts.
Undertaken responsibility is the healing wonder substance's name!
Your own responsibility for all your emotions, thoughts, spoken words and for all your acts.
You are the reason, and you are the upshot!
You are the cause and you are the effect!
Alpha and Omega!
Don't wait for the rise of the favourable time.
The most fortunate time does not exist.
You have to create it by your own, powerful decision's strong emotional energy.
Your wish is your aircraft, your emotion is the fuel. This collaboration takes you to the imagined present.
See, THIS moment is the most favourable to act!
You are the single creator of your wretchedness and your happyness. The quality of your emotions, thoughts, spoken words decides of your present's quality, and your present will become to your future.
Your awareness is the key!
Your awareness shows the right attitude, shows the importance of change.
To change the fear to Love!
Helps to rediscover your life's miracles, to find your inner peace.
No need for constant bustle!
Just let yourself to stop, watch and feel your heart's wonderful gifts, are given by God to you, every day.
Just listen, all, that you feel now - this silent joy, this uplifting grace, this calm happiness - these emotions will create your soul's happiness, your material life's balanced events and your physical body's health.
Please, don't wait miracle, just be persistent.
This work fills your lifetime.
Believe me, the change begins soon!
Positive energies magnetize the pozitive reality!
Happiness creates happiness!
You'll be the most surprised, but be sure, this is the truth!

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