Call me insane

2016.02.23 14:09

                   Eva Pálházi
                   Call me insane

Call me insane, I refuse to be normal
in a game, where blind angels tear each others'
wings, guffawing as cretins, bloated formal
expectations' drossy violence covers
the senseless habits' two-tongued shabby moral,
               I refuse to be normal;
just call me mad, since I refuse to adapt
to the vision's trend, where the hated orphan
of responsibility got deadly trapped
by human beings' ignorance, the coffin
of conscience lies forgotten in six feet depth,
               yes, I refuse to adapt;
just call me moonstruck, whilst I refuse to trust
the grim sight, where false blue birds of happiness
are manufactured on long production lines,
costs few cents, no need for serious intent,
as drunken buffoons' dance of death, puke and grime,
               I do refuse the trust;
call me fool, I refuse to live by the rules
of empty pageants' hypocrite magistrates,
when mindless judgments' prejudiced untruth
annuls the unseen values and dominates,
the disguise determines normality's routes;
I'm awake, surrounded by sleeping consciousness,
              to be normal by your rules?
                          No, never!
                     Always I refuse!


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