You wait the blonde/brown/black/ginger prince or princess impatiently. Already you have imagined well, how will the appropriate person make you happy.
How will your shades disappear in her/his light.
How will your scared loneliness turn into relief when the beloved one entertains you.
The mirror of her/his eyes will show you being beautiful.
Your ruined, suffering self-evaluation's torturer voices will fade down. She/he will be the redeemer of your sad, lonely heart, the single solution for the haunting of your desperate inner ghosts.
Meeting the potential 'Great One and Only' you dress the selected person into your imagination's wear.
You surely know, this person is the perfect saviour who fulfils your expectations.
The common vibration lifts you up, to fly!
... and fly!
First you wonder, when the height begins to reduce, when realizing that your prince or princess has own properties. Own will-power, own personality, own dreams, own opinions.
And they are in conflict with your expectations sometimes.
Or several times.
You are disappointed, feel, as if you would have become deluded.
As if the 'Great One and Only' would have changed.
An unknown, strange person unfolds from the purple mist and breaks your heart.
First you are stricken.
Then your paralyzing pain turns to action.
You are angry, very angry with the beloved person and begin to fight against her/him, to get the required love. The love, which is hidden in your 'Great One and Only' and it seems, that the source became closed.
And a positional warfare takes its beginning.
All your operational hatred is deployed on the fighting line. You attack the
dear person harshly to get - to take out! - the love from her/him.
At this point your beloved throws back the head, gives a whistle towards the white horse, swings into the saddle, - like a thief! - takes the lost love in her/his saddlebag, and gallops away speedily.
You break down and begin to search for the culprits.
You clearly see that everyone attacks against your emotion, but the mostly sinner is that rival, who newly appeared on the horizon.
Your anger and hatred is more than enough to every target.
You don't boggle at wicked personal comments.
You don't boggle at the harassment of your 'Great One and Only'.
You don't boggle at making a fool from your own self...
Oh, my dear, what are you doing?!
Look into the mirror!
Your inner pain, your unsteadiness, your soul's envenomed wounds, your self-loathing can be healed just by you!
Only you, yourself can heal your soul's desperate hunger of love.
Please, dear, honor yourself and begin to love your wounded inner person, to appreaciate the values of your true self.
Your inner, precious self.
Please, dear, forgive all the mistakes to yourself, let your self-reproach and remorse fly away.
Please, forgive your life's accidents and hurts.
No need for pain.
No need for the outside world, no need for an other person.
No one can make you happy, except you, your own self!
Create your own silence and peace.
Create your own, inner love and you will draw love from outside too.
Create your inner happiness and you'll draw happiness from the ouside world.
No need for dream-suits, for purple disguise.
No need for masquerade.
You'll draw the person, who carries the same love and happines.
Just two happy persons can collaborate in love successfully and create common happiness.
Love your own true self, dear, you deserve it!
Love yourself, be happy in your inner realm, and the 'Great One and Only' will arrive, dismounts off the white horse and gifts you with more and more love and happiness.