It's me again, nothing has changed, my accent is the same
Do you have a little time? - here is a new story of mine and a beautiful music to make the read more amusing.
Do you sit comfortably?
May I begin?
So, let's start.
Many years ago, in our rural house, we had a lovely dog, Bobby. He was a mix of german shepherd and rottweiler parents. A clever, playful, but very stubborn animal. One day he cooked up how to escape our garden jumping across the fence. This idea was the beginning of his life's sad end. From one trouble to another - Bobby's desertions became everyday parts of our life.
Can you imagine the scene?
One day, arriving home my dog greeted us with desperate yowling. His right fore-leg got stuck between the fence's grids during his bold "freedom jump". Bobby was crying among the evergreen boxwood bushes, hanged up by his leg.
To rescue a scared, thrilled animal, who doesn't understand the situation, but wants to flee by any means - this was a hard task for me and my third son. From both side of the iron grids, with harmonized movements, we began to lift up Bobby's strong, wildly kicking, weighty body... and our beloved, agonized "best friend" exploited the offered chance to take revenge himself for the fearful accident!
Whilst my son carefully helped to slip out the stuck fore-leg, Bobby bit the helper hand thoroughly. My son behaved himself heroically and took out that certain stucked leg from the grids' squeeze, and we put down the tortured dog, back to safe ground. In one minute he disappeared, hiding in one of his favourite, "own-hand-made" deep pits under the bushes, but his glance told everything! Can you imagine a mix of anger, fear, confusion, incomprehension, pain conveyed by desperate, brown dog eyes?
Yes, after this successful rescue Bobby understood nothing about the happened accident... and his attack was truly efficient... the sight of my son's arm was shocking. Bobby's teeth left deep, bloody traces on his lower arm. The unconscious animal's "gratitude" towards the rescuer.
Yes, you may ask now, why did I speak about Bobby's sad trauma?
Just come with me, dear, observing another being's similar actions the parallelism will manifest itself.
When you, my predestined soul mate, jumped over material reality's fence for the first time, and found yourself in the middle of innumerable possibilities' unimaginable wealth - yet you were a sincere, straightaway human being, who only wished to share his gifted poetry on opened, reachable web pages, to show the world his verses' blessed present.
How did this honest person become sociopath predator in less than a year?
I think, you, my flame friend, forgot the soul's basic truth - sooner or later, but the oppressed needs, wants, desires burst out.
As if you were sitting on a time-bomb, and the timer is out of your control...
So, when your oppressed needs discovered virtual solutions, that minute your internet-dependence came alive.
You reveled anonymity's "big guzzling" among various personalities' different nicknames. Everybody became prey. Only female gender was the single condition. Your long ago oppressed hammerhead inner teenager vindicated his freshly liberated desires' rights unstoppably. Material reality's garden gave not enough pleasures anymore. Virtuality's wide, luring street became your second - first? - home.
But, remember, my dear, everything is energy. Our life events, our emotional reactions, moreover, our body's state is created by free energy flow.
There are no borders between different realities...
In spite of the meanwhile "encrypted" poems and blocked "eyewitnesses", your runaway hunter's inglorious activity reached your material life's stage.
That ominous revealing, harsh Wattpad link - which I won't share here - opened the invisible tap and oozed across realities' tubing system to unveil your proud masque.
Yes, dear, you hung - and are hanging even now! - on the fence, with stuck, ragged honor.
After one and a half year I dare to say that your - our common - spirit sent me the s.o.s signs, seeing your personality's wild havoc.
Remember, everything is energy, and the common frequency ensures the common access to our all files. In fact there is no separation, only human beings' "dumbed-down", weakened capabilities are too small for understanding, and create a seeming - illusory - distance between souls. Rising above the matrix blessings of oneness become touchable, everyday manifestation of our whole, common spirit.
(This way I had "downloaded" English language first, then your French knowledge became accessible for me... and this way become available some of your soul's elusive experiences, as if they were mine.)
During our hopeful collaboration I recognised a disillusioned human being behind the jovial mask, surrounded by stone-hard disappointments, a man, who refuses even the thought of affection, and self-love, self-esteem or self-confidence are unknown for him. A weak, oppressed person, who changes his character and attitude for the sake of circumstances, and dares to be brave only in virtual reality.
We truly made a heroic work to free your stuck personality from the tight grids. Tried to switch on the light, to find reasons and effects, answers, the oppressed Truth.
But, you bit me, before our common work would have led to a spiritual uplift. Pushed me away, escaped and hid yourself in an ego-dug deep pit.
I truly, sincerely appreciate the intention, which brought you back to me, my dear, some weeks later, in a parallel personality.
Our new common work reached unimaginable heights. The person, who earlier told - "I hardly believe in God" - returned to his lost, but re-found faith. Jesus' teaching and the Bible became our leading thread.
The masses, you attended again, and the priest's helper words vivified your sincere self.
Slowly you understood the true meaning of - ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’.
Months passed with long conversations.
I felt my responsibility, re-planned my everyday activity to ensure time for our common learning... and these moments showed my true vocation.
Already knew the reason, why we had to meet!
I sent you my healing energy day by day, and prayed to God - Please, let the seeds fall into fertile soil!
For a long time we walked together on the road of self-knowledge.
Jesus helped our blessed steps.
Your energy changed, a more confident soul replied from the distance. The time, you spent in virtual reality, became more lesser.
Yes, to become "grounded" in material life, love yourself, accept, venerate your own soul's intentions, to leave virtuality's destroying influence, unite and manifest your personality in perigee - this would have been the single healing.
The battle between good and evil is never easy, but you fought bravely till the last step, when we nearly reached that certain spiritual uplift.
Somewhere, in the depths, your own, built-in, inner enemy - demon? ego? the evil? - stopped your efforts at last.
You revised the process, deleted your own-hand written, liberating thoughts. Jesus' saviour teachings glanced off your ego. The parallel sick personality took over the lead from your true soul, and finished our collaboration with a newer "cut off".
I stood there with bitten arm again.
Your teeth reached my bone now.
Astonishing, shocking, startling, astounding - there is no suitable word to express the desperate efforts of a split, broken personality. The efforts, to get rid of the suppressions, to unveil the inner oppressor.
This kind of demonic ego game can be approached only from a higher spiritual level and only God's unconditional love can help. I just hope, that our enlightened common minutes could convey enough energy for you to continue the started fight.
I just hope...
And why would I like to convince you in any event?
Because I already know well the story's end.
One day Bobby jumped over the fence with a deer's noble movement - and came back no more. A trailer truck ran over him on the highway, behind our garden.
So, be brave, birdie, to live in materiality, being your own true self - be brave, until yet you have time to.
I already hear the noise of a truck engine... the number-plate is hardly seen ... maybe dementia ... or Alzheimer disease is written on it.
Yes, dear, when you move on your right spiritual path you feel peace, tranquility, an unexplainable wholeness. You know, that you are together with your true self. The emptiness feeling in the middle of your body is a huge lack of energy in your Solar plexus chakra. This is the place, when your soul comes over to material reality.
When your principles, your imagined life guidelines don't fit your acts in your material life - your acts and your principles are not in harmony - then your body doesn't allow your soul to step into the lower regions, where the "lies" exist.
You can not become grounded!
Maybe you don't want to lie, maybe you were taught notions/beliefs that can not work well in your material reality. Though you are not aware of it, but you act in a different way - and your uttered principles tell something else.
Maybe unwittingly, but you become to a liar. Your body represents your material acts - your soul represents your beliefs, guidelines, principles.
And there is an empty space between them in your Solar plexus chakra!
Oh, dear, the most dangerous thing to lie to yourself.
And you see, your soul is connected to God, and always feels, if something is wrong.
When you are brave to face your two kind, different realities - you begin to heal!
Your conscience tells you the true principles.
This is the easier side of your healing, but remember, dear, your acts and your life-guiding principles MUST be in harmony. Every lie pushes your soul more farer and farer from your body and every unveiled and solved untruth lessens this distance. When you become calm and contented regardless of your circumstances - then your soul is present and you are on your right way.
Just listen your emotions!
Confession is great!
To speak about, and at the same time to hear your mistakes - this is a kind of facing yourself.
I'm truly very happy to see, that you are strong and work resolutely.
Now I have to start, there are some hours of work in the afternoon. I'll be back late evening.