"Because of you! I had to drink because of you! You made me nervous, it is only your fault that I had to get drunk! You are the only cause! I have to punish you! Only you can do about it. Don't cry! Do you want me to become angry? Dare not you say that this slap was so strong!!"
"I did my actions for the sake of a higher command. It was told me what to do. I wash my hands with shrug. It is not my fault. I have no choice, commands must be fulfilled!"
Are you familiar with the situation?
Or are you one of the rare exceptions, who doesn't know this kind of "communication"?
These are only two examples for the ego's favourite game, called - how to shift the responsibility...
... but ... to undertake responsibility of our own actions, thoughts, decisions - this is the single way of growing up, to become adult.
To see that our life's every event, every good or bad circumstance, our soul's every influencing shiver, dark or bright mood, our body's every physical pain, every sickness, moreover, the deadly diseases - all of them are our creations. There are no random or accidental fatal blows. They were created by our own feelings, thoughts, choices, decisions and we must undertake their responsibility!! Always.
If you are conscious/aware - you can handle all of these challenges. If you are brave to face your responsibility - you become strong to make good decisions for the sake of your own inner truth. They become well working tools. Like cause and effect, attempt and its upshot (failure or success) - this way belongs together your decision and your responsibility.
When the world's opinion/judgement doesn't matter, you dare to go against the stream, when the fear already cannot obstruct you - then you are able to decide rightly by God's true rules. No need for fleeing and hiding, no need for escape, no more fear of unveiling, no more shame. Your own decisions' own responsibility will become your guiding light. Your spirit's true value.
This is freedom!
Complete wonderful freedom, a deep breath that fills your lungs and lifts up your soul.
But, when you don't recognise your own spiritual existence - you make decisions without awareness. As if you would go into a shop to choose and buy your dress by closed eyes. It will be laughably small or too long, comfortless when you try to wear.
And at this moment you go back to the store and begin to shift the responsibility!
Oh, yes - you surely feel! - the shop assistant made a huge failure because she/he didn't warn you "Open your eyes!"
... and yes, the manufacturer made a huge failure because she/he was able to sew different various sizes of cloths, instead of sewing only one size - ah, your own size, of course,
... and yes, the whole world is your enemy that forced you to make a wrong decision.
You had no other choise just to obey!
(It is so comfortable... and otherwise your ego has a lot of self-justification and likes to use them very much.)
And now just imagine as if your unconscious/unwitting energy begins "to select" blindly... oh no, not among cloths! - but among your body's physical states!... your ego's wrong purpose hijacks the decision, but its responsibility stays with you when the upshot manifests itself in a physical sickness form.
And now imagine that your whole life is created by your energy - consciously or unconsciously!
You make decisions and choices by your every single thought continuously, and all of them carry their responsibility. Maybe you would like to avoid - but your thoughts/decisions rezonate by your personal unique frequency, they belong to you inseparably.
Your personal responsibility will catch up with you in any event. You may choose to ignore until it grows like an avalanche and buries you at the end.
Yes, dear, I think, sooner or later, but we must learn this lesson, else it returns again and again, in more and more harder forms... and yet just more suffering and pain will be our gain.
I think, this is the ego's biggest trap. When you decide to be perfect regarding the outside world's expectations.
Our spiritual perfection is a God given fact. We all are perfect on different ways, but by a same working method.
A youth with down-disease can be perfect by God's intention when they convey love - yes, they are wonderfully loving human beings. Their God given task is to convey love.
You, who have whole/entire mental abilities have other God given tasks. When you undertake and fulfill them by your all spiritual and material force - then you become perfect!
The ego's perfection is false. It suggests that everybody has to be alike in perfection. It shows you false examples of the surface and wants to turn you against your own self.
It is not perfect beauty, when millions of people paint their hair the same colour, eat the same unhealthy advertised trash, play the same senseless ego dramas. The ego suggests that you become perfect - when you become the same as other hundred million people are.
But true perfection is a unique, personal spiritual light.