"The martyrs' sole gain, that they get burned on the stake!"
I explain... just come with me...
Decisions and choices... uncountable crossroads where our life's success or failure, happiness or torment, moreover - our bare survival gets determined... decisions and choices... unimaginably huge evidences of our God given, divine creator power, of our Free Will.
The question is - are you aware of your own power?
Does your free will serve your own soul's blessed evulotion, do you handle your own possibilities with strong willpower... or... is your sacred energy ruled by devilish ego games, and you just bear blindly, as the wicked entity destroys your whole life by its hostile acts?
Be sure, if you are weak to defend your own soul's interest, and let not God's truth become manifested, your dominant ego - inner demon? - will make decisions instead of you, to create your destructive pain and suffering... and the temptations arrive continuously. Only your heart, emotions, divine inspiration can show signpost to righteousness' well destination.
The question is - are you brave enough to wake up your heart, sit into your enlightenment's Harrier, raise up, over the surface, and represent your own spiritual tasks, as a winner does... or... you skulk cowardly, like a helpless victim, whilst your ego's Stratofortess burns up your life by a complete carpet bombing of lies.
Once, years ago, you, my wonderful flame friend - when you yet dared to ponder about our existences' basic questions - wrote down the human ego games' brilliant end conclusion. The sentence sounds somehow this way - 'in this game the martyrs' sole gain, that they get burned on the stake!'
Oh, my dear, what happened to this magnificent thinker?... I feel burned flesh' stink from the distance... you are standing there, tied up to the pile, and slowly the flames eat up your whole spiritual existence.
Am I hearing rightly?
You stare in the middle of putrid smoke and complain... everyone and everything is sinner... God have forgotten you, your circumstances are hostile, your life is cruel, your karma is unjust... yes, you are just a suffering victim of these wicked happenings.
How did you arrive into this sorrowful state?!
What a wonderful gift of God, when spiritual twins find each other! When separated, invisible energy vibrations discover their way and merge, by the laws of physics. Yes, polarity's attraction doesn't ask your approval.
We imploded into each other's life with unimaginable energy blast. Our spiritual explosion's waves opened enlightenment's door... completed and supplemented irreversibly, we returned back to the ancient oneness. Tied together by destiny's red thread, radiating God's unconditional love we began to convey each other's emotional healing.
Blessed process, that's already never ends.
But... your inner demon didn't watch the events helplessly.
The first warning sign was so clear.. and frightening.
Your sentence - "I will really hurt, if you wake up from this beautiful dream." - unveiled your ego's prewritten drama.
Oh, my darling, you have a prejudice, shouting its lies into your ears ... and you belive, that you are a victim, you become cheated, always, no one stands by your side, sooner or later, but once everyone leaves you alone, definately deceiving, suffering!
Seeing the game I proved my honesty... hmm... my healing energy changed your everyday life... your physical body became healthy, your soul became happily liberated... in vain...
This success was intolerable for your ego, which had a well working, prejudiced stage-drama, where I should have play the "unfaithful deceiver's" role... but I didn't do...
Oh, my dear, you made truly huge efforts to fulfill your ego's imperious claim for suffering... and I really didn't facilitated your inner demon's work.
I am stubbornly good, radiating unconditional love unrepentantly, yes, there is no demon, no ego, that can stop me when God's heavenly music sounds in my soul!
So, at last you guessed how to push away your newborn relieve, and applied self-deceiving lies.
Soon emerged that my presence means great hazard for your family life!
Oh, yesss... can you imagine the dangers of unconditional love, that's radiated from 4500 miles?
Just like in crappy TV commercials - the superstructure is based on a false statement. Building up the walls you forget the basics' falsity... only your ego will defend its mendacity, which can be ruined by the truth!
And the help soon arrived... with your demon's eclat the devil's external manifestation also appeared. That evil entity and you, together, committed every imaginable nastiness against me.
(The list is long, but - btw! - tell me my Eagle, does this evil entity know, that you unveiled that certain mocking verse, about my "sexy voice"? Ha-ha, I wouldn't want to be in your skin, when your devilish accomplice's anger overtakes you! )
Oh, no, don't search for it, the ego has no sense.
But, you, my sad dear, have forgot one important thing.
Nothing passes away accidentally, of oneself.
Emotions come to an end only then, when you decide to finish them!
Perhaps you are unripe for understanding, but I'm not mad to throw God's ethereal gift to the trash!
To guard our encounter's magic - this is our responsibility.
Maybe, your ego demands to oppress your own heart, to kill your own emotions, but, LOVE, my dear, love can not be murdered.
WE ALL ARE created by God's unconditional LOVE.
LOVE is the energy vibration, that keeps us alive.
We all are "broadcasting channels" of the sole life giving potency - called LOVE!... the repression doesn't kill love - but it surely kills you!
You've already lit the fire under your feet... do you really want to get burned on martyrdom's reeking stake?
Stray thoughts of an old converstaion:
Just watch, dear, the ego speaks about God and the spiritual values loudly.
Wants to show its own "true faith" spectacularly to the outside world.
An ego controlled person advertises their own "faith" and "love" and "kindness" - the whole world must see and listen to the efforts of self-eulogy, self-laudation. (Religion works this way as a too!)
The soul is simple and silent, lives with God in oneness.
A person, who is controlled by the soul, just simply spreads and conveys God's love and the sacred messages.
You can't see or listen the efforts, but you FEEL gentle kindness, you FEEL God's healing love when you are close to that humble person, who is led by the soul.
This is true faith.
Your heart can make difference. The ego creates bright, spectacular false gods - "Golden calf", whilst Moses talks to the true God in silence on Mount Sinai.
You see, for the ego the truth is not interesting, not good enough - but an exaggerated falsehood - oh, yes, the ego likes it very much!
Be careful, dear, ego controlled persons are fearfully violent and loud, and they force you to follow their will if you are weak to say "No" ... and the price of your weakness will be your own soul!
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica
Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te, cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare
Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis, Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei, contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili Nomini quem inferi tremunt Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica
Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te ... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare
Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos."