"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians Chapter 6
Are you stumbling here, my dear, among suffering and pain, on this Earthly path?
Are you cursing the cruel circumstances in your unbearable troubles, crying helplessly, begging for that so much desired, but unreachable happiness?
Do you see the light at the tunnels's end... the meaning of this wicked journey?
Do you know who leads, steers, chases your oppressed soul?
Do you know who are you at all?
I tell you, dear.
You are your own worst enemy!
You are your own worst enemy, until you don't wake up from the "live show's" mesmerizing illusion...
You are the ego's slave, until you don't gather your bravery to use your own eyes, and look behind the words', labels', prefabricated judgements', stereotype prejudices' veil.
Whilst you are seeking the outside worlds' appreciation desperately, focusing on others opinion, whilst you want to fulfill others' expectations and orders - oh, my sad dear! - you lose your own true self!
The forced ego games steal your life-time... your precious, sacred energy feeds the devil's hate, anger, jealousy, revenge.
And you complain... living in a sick body, rolling the negative, destroying passions you get more and more farer from the single healing - from LOVE.
Your deluded self bears the continous tragedy despondently, and is weak to notice the truth.
God's truth, that says - we are born here for happiness!
Only love originates from God.
Only this heavenly gift must have been our existence's first and last, eternal purpose.
Everything else comes from the devil!
Just watch, as it occupies your soul, as it becomes your inner enemy... steers, and forces you to obey. You are not your own self anymore. Your invisible, inner enemy decides instead of you, and its choices and decision garantee your miserable suffering.
Yes, my dear, you become the executor of your own, horrible torture.
Yes, you see well, this is a kind of slow suicide... and your inner enemy - ego? demon? the devil? - is satisfied.
I mused a lot, what kind of fear chased you, when you began to flee... to flee from God's heavenly gift, from release, from liberation - from love.
Your behavour was so strange, as you followed the ununderstandable rules.
Logging in FB, and sending one single message - you checked out right off. You "jumped" in and out, as if you were hiding. As if someone would have chased you.
"I'm not here!" - cried your intimidated soul, whilst trying to send over his lovely, sincere emotions.
"Get out off here!" - shouted your inner demon, cutting off our healing connection.
The process' illogicality was salient... until I realised, that you are escaping from your own self!!
You have created the rule! The rule, that banned you from the place of our liberating, blissful conversations.
You were that certain enemy, who chased your own self... oh, my God!
You attacked your own, newborn happiness.
Your inner demon didn't let more freedom.
You became to judge and convict in one person.
Made yourself to believe, that God's unconditional love is sin, and forced yourself to push me away.
Yes, my sad sweetheart, I'm dangerous for your inner demon.
We, together, would have been able to overcome it - that's why you cut off our hopeful collaboration... as you did many decades ago, when you obeyed the inherited maternal demon and pushed away true love's miraculous material manifestation, killing your own bliss by your own hands, to create your own, unbearable, life-long torment.
Is this a confused madness?
Yes, my dear, this is a confused madness.
Don't search the sense.
The devil has no concept. It only wants to tear apart, to destroy.
Your acts were/are disjointed and senseless. You obeyed the inner enemy, oppressed that wonderful soul whom I know from endless times, from our existence's very beginning.
You maimed yourself, pushed away God's unconditional love, blocked/ignored/deleted me for the sake of your inner demon, who felt itself threatened.
I'm lucky, that pushing the ignore button your PC can not fire with rockets. I think, I would not be alive any more, if you would drive an aircraft instead of your computer.
And if you think, that this story is senseless - I have an other, just to fix your puzzlement.
You played the same game with me in an other AP personality, too.
I conveyed the same unconditinal love, you enjoyed healing for a long time, but you escaped again, when our blessed converstation almost unveiled your inherited maternal demon.
Have you ever thought of your responsibility?
Your ego has no more power, than you give him!
Reckoning's time arrives.
What kind of spiritual pack will you take Home at the end?
Who will realise your unique soul's personal story?
Who will solve your special life-lessons, to learn the edifications?
Who will lift up your wonderful soul in your spiritual evolution's blessed process?
... if you give up the lead... if your inner realm becomes the demon's territory... no one can live your precious life instead of you, whilst you serve the devil!
Oh, my dear, it is truly senseless to blame the outside world, because our every mistake was created by our own decision.
But, I think, it is always worthy to examine the causes that led you to the present state.
For instance to discover, unveil somebody's enemy attitude who built barriers in front of you and pulled you down.
It is not blaming when you make clear the "power relations".
Though I know that my own weakness locked me into the victim role during more than fifty years, but I owe myself with the truth, that my mother was that certain toxic person, who poisoned my soul instead of vivifying.
You are true, don't blame others - but you have the right to put the responsibility to its right place.
My mother died without understanding and undertaking her own responsibility - it was devolved on me.
This is a tipical sociopath attitude when the aggressor says "you force me to hurt you, it is only your fault, that is why I have to torture you." or "I have no other choice but to hurt you" - and if you are too weak, you belive your own guilt.
She was too weak to face her own self - so I became to scapegoat ... the only and single cause of her wrong decisions.
For me to find the truth it was necessary to "send back" the responsibility to its original place. Not to blame my mother - I know, she was suffering and too weak, but to get rid off the burdens, which were the consequence of an other person's acts.
I think, you deserve to find your own truth and this process carries the question of responsibility. You owe yourself to utter and take off the burdens of others' responsibility.