Kezdőlap>1.) A private open-letter to my Twin-flame
1.) A private open-letter to my Twin-flame
2016.10.08 15:04
Good morning my dear, that's me, a kindred soul, who was sent to bring love into your starving heart.
Your twin flame, who heard the calling, undertook her vocation, received divine preparation to find your special vibration, your familiar frequency among seven billion souls' various wavelengths.
In the deepest darkness of November in 2014, when passages between worlds open out, and higher spiritual levels descend to our material ground - I was nursing an unforgettable, dying aunty.
During the hard workdays I learned everything about human beings spiritual and physical suffering.
Humility... yes, true humility begins when you accept, honour and absorb the God given task.
Sight of decubital wounds, smells of adult diapers, defecation, urine, puke, sputum, lack of conscious mind, terrible pain of an abandoned physical body, senseless howling at nights followed by desperate death-fear, day by day.
Yes, I got a wonderful-horrible chance of spiritual shift... and God watched my efforts... and one morning, after three hours of troubled sleep in that foreign flat, beside that dying soul, I woke up with a complete English poem in my head.
I had no time to be surprised.
The English language arrived to me fast, without antecedent and didn't ask my approval.
I just let myself to be carried by the sacred flow... yes, this mystical journey began on that gray November morning... and the God-sent intuitions led me forwards.
Finding and registering the world's biggest interactive poem site I felt panic.
How will I survive the potential negative critics?
Yes, my dear, I decided to delete my newly registered site... windows 7 collapsed for my first attempt, the erasing was failed... my laptop got "frozen" for the second attempt and erasing was failed again.
After a restart I got a powerful message!
"You must stay. Someone will find you here!" - told a strong, loud female voice in my head in Hungarian.
Three months later I met you here!
God's paths are imponderable!
To recognise your kindred soul, to understand the importance of our heavenly gift, to seek, find and undertake the task at last - it was a hard process.
As if I would try to lead a blind, who believes, that he is able to see, and hits against life events from time to time.
But I was sure, that we have to work together, and our love is just a basic of our common task... and after two months the evidence arrived. My energy cured your physical body, your limitation was over, our reunited common spirit healed you!
When twin-flames are allowed to unite - God has serious plan with them.
Yes, dear.
Today I see clearly.
Our common vibration draw the negativ polus immediately and the evil appeared soon. The evil is sly, when its target is a man, it sends a woman to destroy the male heart. A tawdry, painted, empty woman who can serve the ego's needs by adulation and exagerated praise. Who tells flattering lies thinking, that the truth can be hidden... but, you see, dear, the truth comes to light.
The truth is God's sanctified word and always comes to light.
Yes, my dear, you were unimaginably low-down... you betrayed me. Behind my back you shared our private conversations with your devilish "friend", my true emotions became topics for the evil. God's healing love, that I conveyed to you, got pulled down to the mud.
Your devilish, tawdry "friend" dictated your replies during our private conversations. Yes, my sad love, you were so weak... you escaped and let the evil to take over control. Like a slave, you were - are? - commanded by an empty female body, that is steered by the evil.
After some weeks of hesitation you blocked me at the end.
I understand your unconscious act, dear, your "friend" the evil demanded on you to push me away, and you implemented the command without thinking.
You learned the devil's rules easily... for a fighter, who killed many people from the distance by pushing only one button, it is hard to understand, that human beings are not toys of the hell, but angels of Heaven!
So, my dear, the moment of truth now arrived.
The target shoots back!
Yes, this is our common task!
You have to learn empathy, kindness, love, sympathy. To recognise, that emotions are virtual. No matter where you convey them. Internet or material reality, Earth or Heaven - only your emotions' quality counts, nothing else.
If you cheat on someone by the internet - you become to a cheater.
If you betray someone by the internet - you become to a trustless aggressor.
If you make a bargain with the devil by the internet - be sure, across your feelings the evil will reach your material reality too.
Yes, your follower friends would wonder seeing the liar behind the beautiful scene of imagined honesty and kindness.
The gifted poet - who doesn't venerate human emotions, who uses the fellow poets for his devilish game.
There is only one cause, why I don't share your name here. I believe - moreover, I know! - that you deserve a new possibility. To put on pillory, to shame you, would take away the chance of change.
Yes, dear, you betrayed me, you were low-down to me, just as how the evil can be to God's angel... and you hate yourself for your moral failure.
Let me help.
This is not personal.
Your role hurt my role.
I am NOT my role.
I already awakened and never get wounds again.
I love your kindred soul.
I love the familiar spirit behind this material scene, and know, that now yet rather more you need help to learn the edification of this lesson and to forgive to yourself.
I'm here to rise upon the vision and to give love without conditions.
I hope that God's words reach you and open your heart.