A paralyzing Avatar?

2016.02.17 00:10


This is the Maya, dear - your stirring dream, lamed by time and paralysed into three dimensions.
Do you remember yet?
At your birth you have got a magical, biologically based personal computer, a special, self controlled machine, which gives place to your miraculous spirit. A structure with perfect sense organs and with fantastic abilities for heart-beating, for lungs-breathing, for hair and nails-growing, for metabolism and other wonders. Your amazing humanoid is able to do everything for self-preservation without your control.
You just lean back and be kind to your great machine - called human body.
It is your 'employee', as a valuable servant.
Feed it, care it well, use it cleverly! - this body is your Earthly Avatar.
This body is your spirit's single chance to manifest itself, to learn, to grow in this material vision. To live through the needed sensual experiences.
Yes, dear, your body is an unimaginably superb tool.
But, let's stop for a minute, before we overrate this gadget.
Though your happy mother simply admires your material shape, we owe with a confession to the truth.
Your biological computer is a poor little silly, has just a small boot memory.
Yes, the capabilities, are owned by this body, are very similar to all animals' self-supporting skills.
But I have good news!
You are NOT your body!
You are far much more greater, than your Earthly Avatar.
Because there is an almighty software at your service.
A free computer program, planned and hosted by our Creator - God, Universe, Great Spirit, you may call, as you like.
Running this software your biologically based, little silly machine gets wings. Your Earthly vision turns to blessed, yes, you become to God's analogue.
But, remember, dear, you have to start the download!
Yes, the responsibility is yours!
Remember and never forget - your living machine's weak boot memory - you may call ego - wants to obstruct your redeeming effort.
This silly servant is not wrong or bad - no!
It is just weak!
It hates the change, it just afraids of everything new, it just insists to the moveless past and likes wallowing in the lukewarm puddle.
Don't let it to rule on you.
Maybe you are not aware of your power, but you possess the skills to stop your thoughts unbearable shindy, to calm you emotions' enemy waves and keep quiet in your mind.
Meditation is your best helper to create the download's possibility.
Maybe your computer's rudimentary boot memory - may be called ego - begins to protest, maybe the outside world laughs at your effort, maybe your closest family disapproves your intention, but you just trust your inner voice, listen to your conscience, connect the 'main server', install and use the redeemer program.
This is a lifelong process, but be sure, after the main installer files - love and kindness! - arrive, unstoppable changes begin to work within you.
Just watch!
First your body sends the reassuring signs.
Your health returns, a peaceful healing overwhelms your insides. An unexplainable wellbeing smooths your physical and psychical creases. You realise, moreover, you know for sure the existence of a Higher Will.
Then your tamed vision causes surprises.
The unexpected storms disappear, a trustful calmness enfolds your surroundings. Life events adapt to your intent, your purpose comes closer, your road turns to easier. There are no more enemies, human beings greet you kindly. Circumstances join forces for the sake of your success. The whole, friendly Universe is helping your everyday life.
Your work's results unfold and your divine existence shows its most beautiful face.  
Yes, dear, your biologically based computer and your spiritually based software collaborate perfectly.  
It's time for halleluja! 
You have arrived to your true spiritual self.

Hungarian version




Maya (illusion)
"Maya, the mirror of illusions", a painting by the American artist Arthur Bowen Davies (1910).

Maya (Sanskrit: māyā) literally "illusion", "magic", has multiple meanings in Indian philosophies depending on the context. In ancient Vedic literature, Māyā literally implies extraordinary power and wisdom. In later Vedic texts and modern literature dedicated to Indian traditions, Māyā connotes a "magic show, an illusion where things appear to be present but are not what they seem".
 Māyā is also a spiritual concept connoting "that which exists, but is constantly changing and thus is spiritually unreal", and the "power or the principle that conceals the true character of spiritual reality".
In Buddhism, Maya is the name of Gautama Buddha's mother. In Hinduism, Maya is also an epithet for goddess, and the name of a manifestation of Lakshmi, the goddess of "wealth, prosperity and love". 

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