Cikkek archívuma

2018.04.24 08:30

Grandma - my mother in law

2017.03.10 21:10

Pálházi Éva - Mint egy űrhajótörött idegen

  Mondd, érezted már, hogy idegen vagy itt?   Mint egy űrhajótörött földönkívüli az ismeretlen őslakosok között. Egy felkészületlen ejtőernyős, aki nem beszéli a bennszülöttek nyelvét. Csak szótlanul figyeli a környező, értelmetlenül harcoló, nyers erőszakot és nem érti az ellenséges,...
2017.01.23 15:47

Sacred shiver in night's river

        I love you silently, gently, only whispering clouds can see my emotions shining aurae, let it be, come storm, set them free...   let lightnings illuminating ribbons tie together earth and sky, smile and cry, you and I, sing wind, sing, song that's bland,...
2017.01.23 15:44

You and I

        You and I, like endpoints of the rainbow, touched down far from each other's radiance, separated by cold, bridgeless distance, in thunderous clouds' obscuring shadow.   You and I, like two foot-stones of brilliance, bases of heavenly arch in time's...
2017.01.23 15:43

Dress in bliss, my sweet doubter

        Dress in bliss, my sweet doubter, in front of the altar, hearts need not mind's answer to flare up on love's altar.   Take off misgivings' pride, search for me deeply inside, beyond mundane fears' lies, there you find our love's altar.   Heaven...
2017.01.23 15:42

Do you remember yet?

        Do you remember yet... the Summer... when silent waves cradled our nascent love, sighs of souls soared under starry night skies, whilst a breeze sang Nature's blissful Amen.   Do you remember yet... the moment... wise fireflies sparkled along the lake-shore,...
2017.01.23 15:41

In the garden of my soft fantasy ...

            I simply love you with frank chastity, by pure clarity of my meekly wild, innocently sinner, charmed Inner Child, in the garden of my soft fantasy.   I simply love you in queer mystery, seeking the seeker, I pull up anchors sailing through...
2017.01.23 15:39

We arrive Home, at the end ...

                                Angelic wings swish through ethereal                           innocence, we arrive Home, at the end,    ...
2017.01.23 15:39

Once becomes translucent ...

                                       How could I give more to you, than God's gift?                Can the Sun radiate more, than his...
2017.01.23 15:06

For you, beyond oblivion's mist - Neked - a feledés ködén túlra

              I remember you, but you lost           my memory, at nocturnal hour,           when solitude paints my snapshot,           I see the erased past, before our    ...

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